You Need Technographics Data To Grow With B2B Marketing


Do You Know Your Technographic Data Service List Well?


Being part of the B2B marketing and sales, you must be aware of the ongoing trends. To ensure that your business is at par with the industry, you leave no stone unturned. Technographics gives you a complete understanding of your targeted accounts’ technology, hardware, and software usage. Undoubtedly, there are tonnes of marketing trends and tactics out there that you have been using so far. But with technographics you get to know the emerging and latest trends.


Businesses spend billions every year to get their technology stack on point. However, it becomes tough for marketers to keep track of everything they do. A company’s Technographic Data Service List can help you identify available opportunities in your industry and domain.


Do You Know Your Technographic Data Service List Well 100



Why You Must Get Technographics Data

To achieve a comprehensive data-driven sales and marketing strategy, it is essential to get your hands-on some significant facts:


  • Working on ABM strategy-

With the help of ABM strategy you can personalize your campaigns as per the attributes and needs of your target group. This will take you closer to the information that reveals the prospects that recently upgraded to some of the newer technologies. 75% of customers say that they prefer personalized offers.


Working on ABM strategy 100




The example of Salesforce is the best when it comes to ABM strategy.Salesforce Account Based Marketing for B2B Companies has built an ABM program that perfectly did its job of targeting accounts. It was easier to understand the tech stack of the targeted audience for better engagement and conversions. Technographics data help to bridge the gap between sales and marketing as well.


  • Content with a Call

Content plays a crucial role in effectively driving your marketing goals. Use of technographics to personalize content and make it relevant is effective for your target customers. Leads will show more interest in your content if it is personalized and created keeping their requirements in mind.



Content with a Call 100


  • Quicker conversion and close rates-

Weeding out the things that you don’t want to come between you and your customer’s fit is the first thing to strike. This inevitably improves conversion rates. Also, knowing about your customers’ intentions regarding purchases helps you contact them at the right time. Closes happen faster, with no wasted time and calls.



Quicker conversion and close rates 100


  • Understand needs as per tech stack-

Analyzing your customer’s tech stack is the most important thing you do. Try to understand their gaps, what challenges they face, and yes, definitely what opportunities are best for them. This would give your product a better position in comparison to its solution. 

Understand needs as per tech stack 100



Is it Possible to boost your Customer Satisfaction Rating through Technographics?



The short answer for this is yes.


Is it Possible to boost your Customer Satisfaction Rating through Technographics 100


Having personalized technographic data service with you gives you an edge over your competitors. Technographics help those who are new to the market and are yet to make a mark. It also helps those who are trying to take over their competitors. Only a reliable source would be able to provide you with relevant information.  It is then passed through an intricate process of compliance to deliver reliability and accuracy. 


A few more pointers that can bring you closer to your goals—


  • Are you engaging right?

Engaging with your target customers to know their needs makes your work easier. So, think about the proper techniques of campaigning to catch the attention of your customers.

  • Create What matters-

Personalization, and relevance of your actions are both main pillars in B2B marketing. Knowing the hardware and software stack of your target customers can help you create marketing techniques. This has more chances to hit the bull’s eye.

  • Custom Offers Go a Long Way-

When you know about the technologies or plans of your customers, you will be noticed faster. Accordingly, offer them with free trials or freemium or custom offers.

  • Conversations to Convert your Leads-

As B2B technographics providers, you have to have much more meaning to your conversations with customers. For instance, try talking about their technology-adoption patterns or technology-buying behavior.


 Is it Required to Expand Your Customer Base with Technographics?




Equipped with personalized technographic data service, B2B marketers can improve their targeting practices. In addition, marketing measures, outreach, and campaigns are enhanced to help reach increased ROI.


What technographics do here is—


  • Determine the Total Addressable Market (TAM) based on accounts in-need of your tech solution or product
  • Identify customer accounts that are most likely to make purchases
  • As per the technology-buying of the audience, optimize your marketing content.
  • Prioritize efforts of the sales team based on leads with a higher possibility to convert.


The way an organization adopts technology is a clear indicator of how it runs its overall business strategy. Some of the best technographic data providers have primarily focused on getting the appropriate competitor analysis.


With the help of technographics data, it is easy to recognize the best of opportunities available. Boosting competitor analysis based on your target accounts’ current and future needs are also add-ons.


In short, technographics in this regard would help:


  • In identifying main competitors including the vertical plan they target in future
  • In studying their techno-marketing strategy
  • Identifying their new markets and opportunities




Is it Required to Expand Your Customer Base with Technographics 100



With the help of personalized technographic data service, you can easily customize and optimize the entire customer journey. Make changes to the inbound marketing funnel and modify nurturing leads as well.  When you do things that best suit their needs, you easily win their confidence. Resultantly, you will see greater success in converting these clients into patrons.


Most of your competitors aggressively run marketing campaigns without any direction. But, you can use technographic data to market your product in a more sophisticated way. As discussed, when you exchange relevant information with your client, they are more likely to trust your services. Infotanks Media provides the best ABM marketing services along with personalized technographic data service to maximize your outcomes from B2B marketing campaigns.



What do we learn?



What do we learn 100



Based on how you nurture you technographic data, your customer journey could be any of the following:



Prospects who aren’t interested in your products or solution are here for a complete educational journey. You can educate them with the advantages of your product and then smartly lead them through the sales funnel.


Educational 100



Your solution has to enrich, optimize, and integrate seamlessly with other technologies prospects are using. Free-trials and other complimentary benefits are a great way to attract and engage leads to your product.



Complimentary 100



Leads using competitors’ products or services are more suitable for this. You can promote and convince them to switch from existing solutions. Personalized technographic data service can provide a competitive advantage to reach out potential customers.


Infotanks Media is one of the leading B2B technographic data providers in the market. For assured high deliverability rates and better ROI for your business, give us a call today!

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