Multi-channel marketing campaigns when backed with a web email list can improve your marketing results. With the rising number of emails being sent everyday, email marketing is gaining popularity. Amplify your campaign results with accurately curated data fields to constantly innovate and improve your prospective customer experience. The web mailing list includes professionals like web designers, web developers, social media managers, and those working exclusively in the online space. Lay a strong foundation with delivery-driven sales and marketing campaigns. Ensure you have a complete online presence with the web mailing lists. B2B email lists can provide you with professionals using online tools, graphics programs, organizational products or SaaS among many others. You can abide by a target-driven approach to maximize your returns on investments. Successful marketing campaigns depend on data. Bad data can sink your marketing campaigns. With the web email list from IInfotanks you can boost your marketing efforts. The verified B2B email lists are ready to use by getting integrated with your CRM and ESP. Contact our data experts for detailed information regarding your requirements.
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Company Name | Contact Name | Title |
Phone Number | Email Address | Physical Address |
City | State | Postal Code |
ZIP Code | Country | Fax |
SIC Code | Industry | Employee Size |
Have you been trying to impress your contacts with catch-all and invalid emails? Such emails end up in your contacts’ junk folder. Try changing this with valid emails that we filter with our email verification tools such as Zerbounce and Neverbounce. So, what you get is verified emails for your contacts. You will soon see how contacts are responding to your emails and showing genuine interest.
Your marketing campaigns need to have a receiving end; your efforts do not mean anything without it. When contacts move out of a company, you need to update yourself with the latest information. We help you with that by doing a thorough search through the LinkedIn profiles.
IInfotanks provides you with direct lines and corporate numbers so that you can reach your contacts faster. This will help increase your telemarketing campaigns.
We believe in high accuracy and deliverability in the services we provide. So, what you can expect is the best contacts for your business and in just 3-4 business days.
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At IInfotanks, we provide a guaranteed data and contact accuracy along with assured 95% email deliverability. With a global clientele of 2000+ happy customers, we are the best email list providers across the globe. Write to us for a complete email marketing solution that is also data-driven. Contact us today -
Our GDPR and CAN-SPAM Law compliant mailing lists are regularly updated with a complete and stringent verification and validation process including through AI tools and web applications, and manual verification. With data cleansing and enrichment services, we provide 95% guaranteed data accuracy. Write to us at for free sample data and a free consultation today.
The email lists purchased from IInfotanks can help you in revenue and lead generation in the following ways: Email Marketing Affiliate Marketing Data Reselling Target Marketing Multi-channel Marketing Product Promotion Lead Generation Lead Nurturing Personalization & Segmentation For a complete consultation for free reach out to our experts today. Write to for a free sample mailing list.
Once you define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), it is easy to identify your target markets and potential customers. IInfotanks provides a choice of 15+ Data fields including age, company size, geographical location, etc. Narrow down your list and identify best-matched potential customers with our email lists. Write to us at for a free sample and free consultation today!