How Does Technographics Data Define Your Lead Generation?


Lead Generation An Overview 8



Lead Generation- An Overview

The present market is full of products and services. Therefore, to stand out from the crowd, you need to market your products better. It begins with improving the brand awareness and growing interesting elements within your products. 


Simply put, lead generation strategies nurture your prospects and put them through your marketing funnel. 


In no time, you will see them in your sales pipeline. Lead generation forms an inevitable part of B2B marketing. There are higher chances of turning these leads for long time customers. Having said that, lead generation does not happen overnight. The perfect recipe to implement a strategy is the right combination of tactics. It’s best if you can think of something out-of-the-box. It always helps. But, at the same time, tried and tested methods will guarantee success. Honestly, the whole buying process is undergoing change. Marketers must come up with newer ways to reach, understand, and convert their target audience. And, data providers help out.


Technographics Data To Drive Lead Generation


Before the whys and hows of lead generation, it’s important to carve in the role of technographics data. The data it gives, you can be assured of getting an upper-hand over your leads. Tech stack of each lead is vital to you. Once you know it in detail, it would be easier to streamline your tactics. Key marketing data providers take note of the technologies around. Technographic Data Service List opens up the window to know how you can surpass your competitors. Thereby, giving you an idea of what technologies are working out for them and what aren’t.  


How To Go About Pulling Data?


Companies mostly try to pull data from different sources. Apart from technographics data, they get their hands on firmographic data or demographic data. But, getting an edge over others happens if you focus on technographic data. It is considered to be the most crucial at the moment. 


Whether you want to enter the market or upgrade your current position, give technographics a try.  


Such data in hand would save your money, effort, time, and a lot of embarrassment. Why so? It is because you wouldn’t fire your gun in the air. Technographics data providers help you get the right data for your business. 


For instance, you may put your efforts into perfecting Marketo as part of marketing strategy. But your prospects might be using Wishpond. 


Battle-Tested Lead Generation Techniques


  • User-Specific Content

If you are talking about targeting your leads, you better do it with specific content. This type of content is made available to users when they fill out forms or show interest. Unless they complete a lead access form, they can’t access the content. This is one of the most popular lead generation strategies for you. Leads feel important as they receive valuable content for free. Some of the commonly used ‘gated content’ are white papers, courses, online tools, e-books, reports, and guides. 



User Specific Content 8


HubSpot has a separate resource section on their website. This section has a bunch of gated content that users can access after filling out forms.


  • Chatbots

Gone are the days when users would wait for a call center agent to get their queries solved. Now is the time of chatbots that pop up right when they visit a website. Any user with queries or interest would drop their contact information. This is one of the ways to generate leads. It is because users get their answers right there when they search. Live chats or chatbots are popular these days for a simple reason. They collect substantial information to nurture lead campaigns. 


  • Think of Daily Newsletter

Newsletters are a great way to charm your leads. Daily, weekly and monthly newsletters keep your leads engaged in your work or business. Therefore, there’s an enhanced possibility of them staying in constant touch with your brand. You need to carefully curate content in the form of blogs or updates about your products or services. Also, special offers, launches, and recommended blog posts are ideal. 


Think of Daily Newsletter 8


  • Website Design that Talks

Lately, every business that aims to be unique, builds an excellent website. That’s because they can’t waste the chance when visitors of their website turn into leads. What you show on your homepage is vital as your visitors would make the prompt choice to stay on or leave. Creating a fully-functional, mobile-friendly, and SEO-driven website is critical to attract your target audience. 


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  • Never Give Up On Your Prospects

Even after your efforts, if your prospects don’t get converted into leads, do not worry. Try getting back to them. Investigate why they left before time and what was lacking from your end. These prospects would be getting ads of your business on their social media pages. It is good for you in a way. Only when a prospect sees your business multiple times, they will think about you. Reminding them is the best way to approach them again. 


Never Give Up On Your Prospects 8



Shopify does this the best. It targets audiences who at one point have visited their website. 


  • Free Trials

What is a better way to capture your prospects and turn them into leads by offering them a free trial? Free trials and freemium products catch the attention of qualified and genuinely interested prospects. It is a way of selling them the product, before they actually buy it. Once users avail features, there are chances that they would like to buy them. They will buy even more premium features. For example, Grammarly, an English checking extension, allows free subscription. But with premium accounts, users get even better features. 


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Are You Getting the Right Data?


As per a survey, 35% of individuals have agreed that the biggest obstacle to generate lead effectively is the absence of good quality data.


It means that to get more information on your prospects, you have to proactively follow them on their online presence. Watch their actions and try to interact with them.  As a part of B2B marketing, get your hands on a third party, Technographic Data Service List, and real-time data sets to understand your prospects from inside out. Since data is everywhere, you have to decide where you want to get it from. Infotanks Media is the best technographic data company providing a completely personalized technographic data service. 


For assured data accuracy and personalized technographic data service call today! Get your FREE sample data.



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