B2B Data Can Engage Clients During The Holiday Season – Protips For Holiday Marketing


Create seasonal content that helps other businesses 100



It’s that time of the year when retailers and wholesalers are the busiest. With the fall, the festive season is just beginning. It is predicted that festive shopping will be in full bloom despite the current COVID-19 conditions. Most businesses have moved to a digital platform. But this is about B2C organizations. You may ask,


How can B2B businesses benefit from holiday marketing?


Businesses in the B2B have slower operations, with customers and prospects less attentive between Thanksgiving and New Year. It leads to longer sales cycles and deal conversions, which seems like fewer opportunities for B2B businesses. However, Best Data Management Companies can help you leverage untapped markets and potential with holiday marketing. B2B Marketing Data Management can help you take the right steps towards mapping out a results-driven strategy for 2021.


Here is your 5-point plan for a planned start to the New Year with B2B marketing data management: 


  1. Uncover opportunities through relevant campaigns


Uncover opportunities through relevant campaigns 100


“It has been reported that 88% of B2B marketers believe data is crucial for ABM.”


With quality B2B data services, you can build multi-factored strategies for your organization. It empowers your marketing efforts by delivering the right message to prospective customers at the right time. Personalized marketing helps in hyper-targeting prospective customers and ABM data management service can help you engage and enhance your outcomes.


Partnering with B2B data providers can provide precise insights to move your business forward by identifying unexplored opportunities. Acquiring relevant information from B2B data services is the best way to keep your audience engaged. You can use an accurate database to schedule personalized holiday campaigns.


  1. Enable real-time tracking of competitors

Building a foundation that generates a competitive advantage is essential for every business organization. Using B2B lead lists from competitors, you can exceed expectations and win customer loyalty, especially during the holiday season. To avoid data decay, partnering with Infotanks Media, one of the best Best Data Management Companies can work to your advantage.


Real-time tracking of competitors can allow marketers to know what your prospects are looking for, when they want and how they interact with them. Such databases can be used to target new opportunities and nurture your relationship with existing customers.




Enable real time tracking of competitors 100


  1. Create seasonal content that helps other businesses

Building strong and long-term relationships with clients are essential to maintain their loyalty. To scale up and expand significantly during the holiday season, you first need to get noticed. Content is critical towards relationship building.


Holiday-specific content can generate not only website traffic but also attract decision-makers. You can get data curated through B2B data providers to target critical decision-makers based on their demographics, industry, and more. Providing useful resources can help in brand recognition and recall for your business.


  1. Personalize and engage through emails

With the festive season just around the corner, it’s more important than ever for businesses to expand their marketing outreach. It is an ideal time to engage prospects through personalization. B2B Data Services provide you with accurate data that help in complete personalization and make the most of your campaigns this holiday season.




Personalize and engage through emailsPersonalize and engage through emails 100


74% of B2B marketers agree that targeted personalization increases customer engagement.


While engaging your prospects with holiday greetings seems easy-to-do, you can use B2B lead lists to engage them with personalized communication. You can keep your B2B leads pipeline full of just engagement-driven customized email campaigns with the right data source. Infotanks Media can be your go-to partner for B2B Marketing Data Management, ABM Data Management Service, B2B data services, and more. 


  1. Target the end-of-the-year budget with offers

The festive season can be competitive but should be focused on results. Promoting your business solutions through exclusive discounts, flash sales, and other offers can be used to attract even B2B businesses. It’s critical to understand that companies’ end-of-the-year budget may not be the same as the other times.


Pricing your business solutions can help in attracting prospective customers. You can discover collaborations and partnerships based on the different data fields acquired from B2B data providers. You can maximize your business potential during this period and tap into new marketing opportunities. B2B data services can be your best resource to send out targeted and segmented promotional campaigns during this time.


Just because the holidays are nearing, you don’t have to give up on sales and marketing. You can use this time to bridge the gap between your customers and build strong business relationships. You can keep them engaged with B2B data services acquired from globally trusted data providers and Best Data Management Companies like Infotanks Media.



Target the end of the year budget with offers 100



How can Infotanks Media help you complete and create your yearly resolutions?


Infotanks Media is a globally recognized multi-channel data provider and one among the Best Data Management Companies for a diverse database. We have trusted data compilers of technographic, B2B, and Healthcare data. With a successfully delivered clientele of more than 2000 across the globe, we’re the best-data providers you can find. Excelling your B2B marketing strategies despite the holidays can get more comfortable with us. Here’s how we make a difference:


  • Guaranteed data accuracy

By hosting a stringent compliance process, we ensure 95% data accuracy. We also guarantee 95% email deliverability so that your campaigns reach a genuine database. Our database is ready-to-use by getting integrated with any CRM or ESP like Pardot, Hubspot, Salesforce, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and more.


  • Verified data compliance

A dedicated data management team is assigned to verify the curated database. Each data point is validated through our AI compliance tools and a manual validation process to ensure that there is no incomplete, inaccurate, or duplicated data.


  • Global data coverage

We bridge the gap between geographies by providing global data coverage across North America, South America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia. You can expand your outreach with personalizing campaigns without moving from your existing location.


  • Flexible data customization

While we have a pre-set database, we understand that each business has specific requirements. You can customize your needs with filters like industry type, SIC codes, employee size, revenue size, job titles, and more.







B2B businesses may observe a drop in the daily scale in their operations during the holiday season. However, with B2B marketing data management and B2B Lead Generation Companies, you can accurately target ideal prospects and keep them engaged. By following the best marketing practices with a pinch of holiday cheer, even B2B businesses can benefit during this period. We wish you to flourish your business during this time and always. Happy holidays!

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